Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Announcing: The Olywood Regatta

Around the bay in 80 days...
The first Olywood Regatta
July 4th Weekend 2009
Smith Morehouse Reservoir

Tentative rules:
1) Environmentally-friendly materials (Leave no trace. Harm no fish, fowl, beast, nor family.)
2) $50 maximum (Submit budget with receipts or plausible explanations of source.)
3) Vessel must be human-powered (No, an outboard engine is not human-powered.)
4) Vessel must carry at least one team member.
5) Size is not restricted. But remember, you haul it in and you haul it all out.
6) The timed course will be approximately 50 to 75 yards.
7) All passengers must wear Coast Guard approved life preservers.
8) The trophy must be prominently displayed by the winner for the next year.
9) Other prizes will be awarded (innovation? absurdity?)
10) These rules may be modified by the committee (Olywood family)

Did I get all the rules? Please let me know and we'll update them.

This should be great fun!