Sunday, May 31, 2009

Arrgh! Someone be Goin' Down

Lads and lassies, it has been decreed
Ye shall be masters of the alpine seas!

If ye be waiting for the opportune moment,
Ye best be lashing them twigs, fore the time is aspent,

For regatta day be nigh on yer motley crew,
When yer vessels be makin' their public debut.

The waters be risin', awaitin' yer plan
Itchin' to wash over bow, stern, or boatman.

If for the Fourth of July yer chart be plotted,
And fruition be come to the plans ye have jotted,

See that no detail, nor oar, nor knot be ignored,
So there ye might find treasure and bounty galore!

Thanks to Bryan and Whitney for the great tee shirt design!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Regatta Update!

We're getting close to 50 days!

It's time to move those designs off the paper and into the garage.

That little rodeo down the road is
going to have some stiff competition on July 4th.

Update to rule 6) Not only will the timed co
urse will be 50 to 75 yards long, it will also require maneuverability--at the very least, it will be "there and back." It may even involve some weaving back and forth.

New rule: #11) Decisions of the judges will be final. (Judges are all committee members who do not enter a craft in the competition.

We need some official competition t-shirts. Someone submit some artwork and I will get them printed. The last shirts I designed ended up looking like prison garb. Someone can certainly outdo anything I could come up with.

Hey Boys! Here's a pic of your competition.

And a little reminder, not to let the little things bug you!